Volunteer and Non-Profit – STRATEGY 1

Advocate to local, state and national decision makers for policies and system changes identified in the National Physical Activity Plan that promote physical activity.


  • Identify joint priorities so multiple organizations can speak with one strong voice.
  • Develop and disseminate position statements on issues relevant to physical activity.
  • Educate local, state and national decision makers about physical activity and effective policy approaches.
  • Influence policymakers to pass legislation that advances initiatives consistent with National Physical Activity Plan goals, including opportunities to build capacity and advocate for change at the local and community level.
  • Advocate for increasing research funding for physical activity.
  • Assist in prioritizing community needs and liaise between communities and governments to achieve the services and programs that most benefit the community, particularly those at highest need (low-income, underserved and/or minority populations, and people with disabilities).

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Oliver Bartzsch is an experienced medical professional with over 15 years of professional experience. With a passion for medicine, fitness, and personal growth, he is always willing to challenge himself to accomplish tasks and especially to provide accurate medical information to people. Oliver is a long-time medical editor for multiple sites. With more than 10 years of medical writing experience, he has completed over 350 projects with both individual and corporate clients.


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