Mass Media – STRATEGY 6

Encourage mass media professionals to become informed about the importance of physical activity and the potential role they can play in promoting physical activity.


  • Create and publicize a Mass Media Physical Activity Resource Center.
  • Develop an approach to educating members of the media about physical activity and the National Physical Activity Plan. This should be an ongoing approach and should be coordinated with other activities of National Physical Activity Plan partners. For example, invite members of the media to the Physical Activity and Public Health course offered annually by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and the Prevention Research Center of the University of South Carolina.
  • Engage media channels with diverse target audiences.
  • Encourage producers of electronic news and entertainment programming to include messages related to promoting physical activity for health.

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Oliver Bartzsch is an experienced medical professional with over 15 years of professional experience. With a passion for medicine, fitness, and personal growth, he is always willing to challenge himself to accomplish tasks and especially to provide accurate medical information to people. Oliver is a long-time medical editor for multiple sites. With more than 10 years of medical writing experience, he has completed over 350 projects with both individual and corporate clients.


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